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Is Folliculitis Related to Hair Loss?

Folliculitis is a contagious inflammation of the hair follicles caused by the yeast "Malassezia-furfur." The main trigger is damage to a hair follicle.

Once the follicle has been damaged, bacteria fungus and mites can take over the follicles. An excess of oily scalp can exacerbate scout folliculitis.

For those who have folliculitis, and hair loss, it's important to understand if they might be related, and be seen by a professional trichologist. 

There are many psychological and emotional stressors that can cause folliculitis, and for those who are dealing with hair loss there is hope.

Cellustrious®, developed by a trichologist, author and trainer Misti Barnes, along with a biochemist with a background in Hair science who holds 40 hair patents, is a combination of microneedling along with five of the most powerful plant derived growth factors, cytokines and biosignals created to target the triggers of hair loss. 

With hair loss and folliculitis which can be caused by a series of issues such as a compromised immune system, chronic skin conditions, such as eczema or dermatitis. If you have psoriasis or folliculitis which are often caused by stressful situations both mentally and physically, you may get some relief from Cellustrious®.

Don’t give up If you are experiencing hair loss as a result of either folliculitis or psoriasis. The hair loss attributed to this condition and may be difficult, but there is hope.

You can learn more about how to treat folliculitis by going to or contacting us at info@ If you would like to set up an appointment for consultation, you may also call us at 727-231-6689, at our St. Petersburg, Florida clinic.
